Studying the Effect of Vitamin D3 and Other Biochemical Parameters in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Thyroid Disorder


  • Nada Razooqe Ministry of higher education and scientific research
  • Noor Thair Tahir
  • Sahar Abdul Wahab ALShaban


    Diabetes and hypothyroidism are the two most common endocrine opathies during pregnancy. this study aimed to study the effect of vitamin D3 and some biochemical parameters among study groups. The subject of this study divided to (30) GDM with hypothyroidism ,(30) GDM without hypothyroidism , and compared with  (30) control, the age of the participants ranged (30-43). There was a highly significant increase at p<0.01 of FBS,PPFG, and HOMA-IR among study groups (GDM with hypothyroidism (G1), GDM without hypothyroidism (G2),  control (G3), and a significant study f HbA1C and insulin level p<0.05 among study groups. There was a significant decrease at  p<0.05 of FT3,FT4, and a significant increase at  p<0.05  TSH among study groups. Significant increase vitamin D3 among study groups , there was a significant  decresd of Ca  between GDM with hypothyroidism vs control and  a significant increase of ALP in GDM with and without  hypothyroidism vs control . Conclusion: Vitamin D3 deficiency with high levels of sugar and insulin resistance in pregnant diabetic women with hypothyroidism and pregnant  diabetic women without hypothyroidism  leads to complications of early onset of diabetes mellitus in the pregnant mother The lowering  secretion of the thyroid gland, and thus the mother and her child become risk indicator for many other diseases, the first of which is heart disease.


